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No android version?


The game actually took me off guard lol
Very wholesome and nice!


it was me, the            gay

v cute :]


good game but it would've been better if we actually got answers for each person lol. i get what you were trying to do but it comes off as...kind of forced? the ending could've been included as a credit screen after you find out if you were right about the guests. the whole game just feels unfinished bc there's no real ending

It's really really good, kinda scared me with you know that music stopping part and that other scene but it was more of a "oh shit this real?" scare. And it left me thinking and feeling stuff like good games do, I didn't expect it and since I didn't expect it I love it even more <3

A game that comes from the heart- and is all the more lovely for it! 



Deleted post

Okay, I was ready to give 3 stars, simple game and a little silly, normal. But coming from you, of course it wasn't going to be just that. I loved this chat with Nessa, along with this wonderful video, really good.

so is monica straight? lolol

this game is great! the dialogue... the art...

btw i was a bit surprised when the ending came like oh shit it got black all of sudden and not pixelated lol

i figured it out at godtier rose


Omg I loved this cute short game! Jo is my spirit animal for real lol! 


So cute! I loved it!

It was really fun. I LOVED the ending.


Oh. My. Gosh! I loved this gay-me so much! This game related to me on a spiritual level. I know how it feels to like someone (of the same gender) in that way and be scared to tell them my feelings. It really made me happy! Thank you so much! (^w^)/

sincere and sweet. the art is lovely and the ending made me happy.  :')

Deleted 6 years ago
Deleted 6 years ago


This was really nice and wanted to say happy Pride month.Go out there and express yourself :-)

So fun and quick to play and aw, the ending surprised me. Really sweet!


Okay, I'm not a crier, but this game - this 23 minute game - I cried. The extra dialogue and just the care I just - I'm not gonna explain it because I can't. Just thank you for existing and thank you for making this game.

Hey there! Thanks for taking time out of your day to leave this comment. I made this game from a place of love and solidarity and your reply means a lot to me. 

hi :) it is made with ren'py?

Yes it is!

Well... I enjoyed it. Though I'm still not sure what "it" is...

Anyways, more like this please! Love the humor!


"i've done utena, sailor neptune, godtier rose, akemi homura..."

D e f i n i t e l y   s t r a i g h t

Utena and lovelive?
Not exactly making this hard ; )

sorry i promise i will try harder next time haha