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I know a lot of people are salty about the ending and hating on the game just for it but I enjoyed most of the game (although I have a bad memory). The ending basically felt like getting slapped and then being given ice cream with "Go do something better" and then saying that the character loves you. It made me cry and I'm not entirely sure if it was because if I was sad or happy. I overall love the game and I'm not too salty about the ending.


the fun ending has me roLLING xD omgg


i played and the when she got really close to the screen i was like 0.O 

Just the trailer is GREAT(haven't played the game yet)


3/10 There are too many things you can't date, like:

- the coffee shop itself

- the painting behind Sheldon

- the gift cards on the shelf in the background

- the door

- the bathroom

- the title screen

- the save/load buttons

Well, it is called 'Date (Almost) AnyTHING', not 'AnyONE' after all...

(this is just a joke, by the way XD)


yeahh!! total rip off. i was hoping to date a coffee machine or something~ but jokes aside this is a pretty interesting game. i recommend playing it


Full Walkthrough:

Sheldon, Zane and Sammy are pretty straightforward. Just choose the option that will cause you to meet them during break time and that's it. It doesn't matter if you mess up or do all their orders properly or not.

For Creator and Game Interface Route, you need to get all orders right, select 'Say nothing' when you  sit with Sheldon, and then when you reach the end with the three buttons that say 'Return to start', click on the middle one, and you can access the secret routes.

For Grace, you have to get only the first order right, and mess up the others, and then select 'Say nothing' when you sit with Sheldon. Ask her to be your girlfriend for her ending, and if you choose 'Friend' you get a hint for the 'POV character ending'.

For the 'POV character' route, just name your character after the name Grace mentions in her 'Friend' ending.

damn thank u for the walkthrough and i would do it but im too lazy, thats cool how u found that out though i was just so focused on making the order correct


This is a fun game, I liked it and it was funny. Some ending are actually hard to get and I absolutely cannot get the author to love me ;-;

I love the download instructions

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Deleted post

YOU THINK YOU CAN TRICK ME, FOOL? *opens code in notepad with malicious intent*


well i wasn't expecting to get my heart  chewed out-


This was a terrible game. The disclaimer 'This is not a serious game' does not excuse the level of contempt the developer has for their audience. More than anything, it's mean spirited.  I found a few gags kind of funny, but the overall tone of 'Why are you playing this game? You are wasting your life' is far more judgemental than it needs to be, especially because everyone KNOWS dating sims are not real life. It's harmless fun, and the fact the developer decided to attack the player rather than have them join in on the fun is pretty bad. 


bruh you so triggered because you didn't get to date some fictional characters. just read the warning and leave


oh boo hoo you got attacked ruthlessly by an all powerful dev how sad


Shitty endings, shitty stories, but at least the trans girl is cute. Still a waste of time.


I loved the game, but as soon as I got called ma'am I noped out of there. I'm sorry. Great opening, though!


Spoiler alert !!

I love this game !!! To be honest i cried in the beggining when i tried to be girlfriends with Sammy. I felt so bad for even downloading the game and i felt really bad when the game told me they didnt want me here (in the ending messege ). But after some time i stoped crying and i encouraged myself to get all the endings. 

Im surprised that lots o people got the math ending. I felt so bad when i had to tell Sammy that she doesnt belong in the ladies bathroom. Wtf i wrong with you people ?  

I love this game just bcs its screams trans rights and i love the art.  And the game was kinda fun , like the Teresa ending :))))) 


yeah i only clicked that choice because i was curious and i always try to get every ending but overall the characters are interesting and the game is too!!


MY GOD THAT AMAZING GAME. What a good game, breaking expectations all the time, I laughed a lot during the game. It's so creative, I really wanted to be with Sammy, I was really disappointed, but I agree with everything I read haha. I didn't understand the people who comment that this is a terrible game, it doesn't make any sense, five stars, I made all the finals.

My favorite route was with you~ <3

I only now discovered this game & got the zane end so far. I must say I'm pleasantly surprised & loved the writing in this a lot. Looking forward to the other endings! Thank you ^^


Well, that was a pleasant surprise. I think i found my new all time favorite game lol. The art is really pretty too, kudos to you. 


"Don't you have something better to do?" Nah, i'm quarantined.

seriously tho- why?`(>▂<)´¯`·.

this- how could you do this to me? i cried! this got me good! anyyyyywayyyyyyy I loved the game. omg it was so good!!!!! the character arcs are amazing. plus I liked that sneaky shower scene you added in ;) ;DDDDDDDDDDDD


god i got the bad ending because i didnt talk to sheldon and now i have watch a math video? thanks alot then ,  i love math!!!

is what i would like to say but that would be the shittiest lie. 


this game was pretty good and as much sesitive i am i still didnt feel offended. well kind of but thats because im a lowlife


honestly! it's been a while since i've thought about this game, but i saw some old screenshots in my folder that i took a while back. the messages at the end (and the @s like damn this went hard lmao) and the themes were really important to me then, and even now still mean a lot!

i was feeling a little bit sad today, but i was reminded of a lot of things i somehow forgot so!! for that, thank you for this game and that reminder!


this is rare, but the good kind of rare. edgy, like a preteen but realistic like an adult. IM POETIC.


This game was okay I guess. I didn't care for the message at the end. Made my anxiety kick in which I guess that's my own fault. This game just wasn't for me I guess. And I'm sorry that I had some days off and I just wanted to play a little game. Sigh....


Dont worry, you have nothing to be sorry about. You get to choose how you want to spend your time, and you'd rather not spend it playing this and thats completely fine. I also like to play little games in my free time


Yeah, the creator was super condescending towards their audience, which is so uncalled for.

(1 edit) (+18)

So was intrigued by the mixed reviews and thought I'd give it a shot. Was actually pretty funny at first. Then the humour kinda stops being light-hearted. Even with the motivational ending, it just comes across as mean-spirited. If you want to send a tough-love, positive message with a good chuckle, I'd reccomend trimming the fat. Going on and on and on about the negatives loses its comedic punch and comes across as edgy trolling on a high horse. :¬I

Overall, I appreciate what you were going for, though I don't think it worked in the end. Your art and the game's design was pretty clean!


Created an account just to tell you how shitty this game is. People are depressed and they use dating sims sometimes to escape reality. Berating people with depression/anxiety for wanting to play a video game is in terrible taste and most likely makes people feel worse. If you were trying to get across a "good message," this is a fucking terrible way to do it.

What the hell is wrong with you? Besides being hella pretentious that is. Pathetic.


Great game 10/10


I LOVE IT!! It's hilarous. Everyone is a crybaby in the comments. I can't believe someone get offended  by a game. People are so sensitive these days. Anyways, i love  your humor. Please keep it up with your work. Have a nice day <3


bro i just wanted to take a break from life and play a fun video game and i get attacked


ok here game ive been doing my chores and ive been abused by my sister and iam right here taking a break playing this game. and your telling me ((us)) that were lazy, hold up there game director i just want to read something atleast play this game and thats the ending? thats the ending ok well i like the artstyle, the background, the music or sterbucks if thats what they call.. li just want the REAL story T^T


Me before playing: *looking for game to play cause im bored*

Me after playing: "Well damn ok, you got me there"


I feel... Strange about this game. In one hand I'm annoyed because the game tell me what my parents are telling me all day, that I waste my time and more, so it doesn't really help me.. But, on the other hand, Sheldon loves me so... it warms my heart a bit.

Anyways I love the drawing I'm just a bit disapointed because this could have been a really cute game about self esteem (the drawing adding a really good thing to it) but... the game just told me to go f*ck myself so... 


This was...






AMAZING! I actually loved this game. I downloaded it because I was like, "This looks interesting..." but I REALLY loved it. 


This was... kind of like going to McDonald's and ordering a burger but instead the cashier starts lecturing you about how bad junk food is for you D:

Kinda like the idea and some of the execution though. Maybe it's because I'm bit of a masochist.

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